Monday, April 1, 2013

52 New Things -- Week 12 -- Spring Break!!

Sometimes I look at college kids and think, Did I have an insanely different college experience or what? I mean, call me dull, but the thought of a Spring Break trip that I pay thousands of dollars for but don't remember a thing about? Not appealing.

(Oh, and while watching something on Hulu the other night, we saw the same trailer for a new Spring Break-themed movie about ten times, during which a bunch of former Disney girls are obviously desperately trying to break out of their Disney mold. Yikes.)

But last week I went on my first ever Spring Break trip! Whoo-hoooooo!

(Don't get too concerned. There was very little alcohol involved and absolutely no bikinis.)

Also, it's been about fifteen years since I even had the opportunity to go on a spring break trip, being out of the education world for a long time, so it's not like this is earth shattering, but . . .

Whoo-hoooooo!!! Spring Break trip!

We had the best week! Sunshine, skiing for a day (well, part of a day . . . our legs gave out fairly early . . . ), getting to know some of Kevin's family members, and not having to work = AWESOME!!! (Grown up Spring Break must seem totally lame to college kids, huh?) We ate more than I thought our stomachs could hold, but we did some hiking so that totally offsets the gluttony, right?

Best of all, though, was that I got to see LOTS of my old friends, and Kevin endured being introduced to almost everyone for the first time. I think he was exhausted by the end of three days of constantly being "on," but he was a trooper and knew it was important for me.

I left feeling very loved . . . and very thankful. Those ten years in Colorado played a huge part in making me who I am today. If I could have one superpower, it would be teleportation so I could just blink my eyes and be anywhere I wanted to be, with anyone I wanted to see.

Miss you, friends! Thanks for the best Spring Break trip EVER! (And just because this is the only one I've ever taken, don't feel slighted. I'm sure it's waaaay better than anything those college kids did this year . . . )

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