Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Kids Will Be Amazing (at least in my head)

My friend Elyse wrote an interesting blog this week at The Jacobson Journey on how her expectations for having kids often turned out to be different from the reality of having kids.

I thought . . . well . . . I don't really have a lot of expectations for my future children . . . I mean, for a long time, I wasn't even sure I'd have kids.  And when I met Kevin, he told me early on that having low expectations would mean I'd be less likely to be disappointed with him (such a romantic!), so the same would probably be true for having kids.

But in church this morning, I realized that maybe I subconsciously have BIG expectations for those phantom children.  Here's the situation.  For the children's sermon, the leader held up a jar of money and asked the kids what they'd like to buy with it.

The kids shouted out typical things like, "Toys!" and "Cars!"

Then she asked, "What do you think God would like you to buy with money?"

There were a lot of blank stares and furrowed brows as kids tried to decipher the right answer.  With a little prompting, she helped them figure out that maybe God would be happy if we bought food for people who were hungry.

That got a little guy thinking, and he raised his hand and said, "Blankets for people who have to sleep outside."  Good answer.

MY kid, I thought smugly, would raise his hand and say, "Mosquito nets to help prevent malaria in third world countries!"

What?  Expecting too much?

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